Sensory Overload and the Decision to Fast from Facebook
This morning, I had the wild idea to check and see how long I've been on Facebook. I found out I've been on there for 15 years! That's insane! How did that time past so quickly and how valuable has all those days been to me, really??? The more I thought about it, the more I realized I've thrown away that precious time looking at and reading things that didn't matter. How in the world have so many of us become addicted to social media? The only thing I can figure is that we need to feel like we belong. For those of us who don't live close to family, it's a great way to stay connected but many times, I find myself wondering why I allow Facebook to steal time away from me as I peruse meaningless dribble. So much of what I see on FB I've seen thousands of times before. People repost the same things over and over again and it makes me crazy! I've tried to use my social media site for a ministry tool sharing daily devotionals and other things I hope w...