Many years ago, I decided to host a family reunion for my Dad's side of the family. We rarely got together, and I thought it would be a good idea, so I began putting things together. I talked with my Mother and Sister, asking for their thoughts on the idea. They both thought it would be nice and so I moved forward. After drafting an invitation, I set a date and circled it on my calendar. I was excited to see cousins I hadn't seen in years. For days, I cleaned every inch of my house (which was normally very clean anyway.) I made sure to dust the ceiling fans and make sure every bathroom sparkled. I wanted my guests to feel free to roam through my entire house, after all, there would be almost 30 people coming! The day before the event, I went shopping and began to prepare the food. There was a lot to do in such a short amount of time, but with the help of my daughters, things began to fall into place. My refrigerator was filled with casseroles that I'...