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Little Things

We had our annual checkups today and since it was more convenient, I asked the nurse if she could take us back into one room at the same time. She agreed and I was thankful.  After we both had our blood pressure taken, our chests listened to, and were sent to the lab for blood work, I shifted into observant mode.  The lab has one of those ticket machines where you pull the ticket with a number on it and wait to be called. Hubby was number 89 and I was number 90. Since he got called back before me, I was able to converse with several ladies who are also waiting to have blood work done. I've always found it interesting how complete strangers can strike up a conversation when they find a topic through which they share common ground. Ours was frustration. Hers over her husband's unwillingness to speak up for himself with the medical staff and mine over my husband's loss of hearing and his pridefulness in not wanting hearing aids. We talked several minutes until I wa
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A Perplexing Situation

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The Gift of Encouragement

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How Did 3 Years Go By So Fast?

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