
Showing posts from March, 2021

Where do the wounded go?

  Where Do They Go? By Bonnie Annis   Where do the wounded go when the cut is fresh and deep?  Where do they hide to keep others from tasting the bleeding? Where do they go when healing begins, or when it's too slow in coming?  Where do they go?  Where do they go when the wound has mended?  When scars once raw no longer weep?  Where do they go when the pain has eased but the trauma remains?  Where do they go?  And when the scar is old but still reminds, where do they go?  I'll tell you.  They go where they've always gone, into that dark, quiet place.  The deep space inside where warriors live.  The place of solitude and strength.  The place of sorrow and tears.  The place of resilience and hope.  That's where they go.  How do I know?  It's where I live.  Day in and day out.  Until cancer came, it was a secret place.  But then, I receive...

So I did a thing

So I did a thing today. I don't know why I did it, but I did.  For years, I've been struggling to find the right prostheses. Either they've been too heavy, too uncomfortable, or too something. None of them have felt right and believe me, I have quite the collection thanks to annual insurance benefits and lots of out of pocket dollars! (Fake boobs are very expensive - normally between $400-$600 each and I have to have two!) I don't like to have unnecessary things in my house and this morning, as I was Spring cleaning, I noticed all the unused prostheses. I have boxes of them on a shelf in my closet and drawers full of them in my dresser. What a shame, I thought, to have all those silicone boobs and not use them on a regular basis. It seemed like such a waste.  But silicone prostheses disintegrate over time so they always have to be replaced and the breast surgeon warned me, right after bilateral mastectomies, that if I didn't replace the weight of my breasts, my spin...

New month, new beginning

Today's the first day of a new month and I must say, I'm thankful. It felt so good to bid adieu to January and February. Neither of those months had been kind to me.  I'm still sick. It's going on three weeks now and this junk just won't let go. I am so ready to be over it! Now that the round of antibiotics and prednisone are complete, I'm hoping and praying I don't take a turn for the worst. I'm continuing to doctor myself at home - taking lots of vitamins, Elderberry, and Tylenol. I'm also trying to get in some good fruits and veggies each day to pump up my immune system, but I can tell my body is weak and out of whack. Perhaps a good week long fast would do the trick... It's another overcast day and it feels oppressive. Days like these make me feel sad and depressed. And since I know that, I try to counter with the weapon of joy. It's not easy to overcome depression with happiness but when you study the Word, there are so many verses about...