I Adopted an Emotional Support Dog
The past two years have been challenging. I’ve had a myriad of health issues, including two bouts of Covid. Fatigue and depression became constant daily companions. Though 8 years post cancer diagnosis, my world continued to feel the aftereffects of poor self-esteem, altered body image, and more. At the drop of a hat, I’d find myself in tears. My husband began to worry something was seriously wrong with me. As I tried to overcome the feelings of despair, I felt myself slipping into a dark place. Insomnia only added to the situation. I became agoraphobic only leaving the house for medical appointments. Joy had left my life. As luck would have it, hope was just around the corner. One morning, my youngest daughter texted me. She sent a photo of a little dog with big, funny ears. “Isn’t it cute?” she wrote. As I looked at the picture, something about the animal touched my heart. A few minutes later, my daughter sent another message. “This dog is at a k...