Winter Blues

This is the time of year when many people suffer from S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder) Basically what it means is that because of the shorter days, colder temps, and lack of exposure to sunlight vitamin D levels drop. This drop can cause feelings of depression/sadness. 

I'll admit, I've felt it this past week. It's been so cold outside we've stayed huddled up indoors. Doing so has limited our contact with others and that adds to feelings or isolation and depression. This is a hard thing to accept, especially when you're a person who enjoys being outside going and doing. 

There are ways to combat S.A.D. like installing special light bulbs in your light fixtures, but those can be expensive. What I've found works for me is taking time to sit near a window or door during the warmest part of the day. As I allow sunlight to filter down on me, I not only feel the warmth, I can bask in the light. Typically, I'll close my eyes and use that time to reflect on the good things God's done in my life, but sometimes, I just sit enjoying the peacefulness. And when weather permits, we'll get in the car and take a drive. Heading into the sun, I can soak up vitamin D as it pours in the front windshield, but that makes sunglasses a must! It can get awfully bright and my eyes are very sensitive. 

Visiting friends or family can also help when one is suffering from S.A.D. Just being around others helps shift focus and that's my plan for today. To shift from the winter blues into the coziness of happy. Love can do that. 

How do you cope with the winter blues? Do you distract yourself by doing something you love? Often I take time to pass the days by focusing on hobbies I enjoy - like painting, making jewelry, reading, or baking. It's important to find ways to pass the dark, gray days of winter. 

Before we know it, Spring will be here. That's when we begin to see new life, not only in plants around us, but also in ourselves if we look hard enough. God gave us seasons and I like to think He did it to keep us from being bored to death! It would stink if every day was a chilly winter one or even a blazing hot summer one. Variety is the spice of life and I definitely need it. How about you?
