Snow day number 2!

We got our first snow of the year on Friday January the 10th and the second one began on the 19th as we were traveling. Snow in Georgia is not a common occurrence so whenever it happens, we either go crazy or love it. I'm in the latter category. I love seeing a beautiful white blanket of snow. It always makes me feel so peaceful and serene. While I don't enjoy the cold that goes with it, I do enjoy the beauty of it. 

It has been extremely cold here for the past few days and we have needed to drip our water to keep our pipes from freezing. This is not something we normally do, but if you've ever had a busted water pipe, you take precautions to prevent it from happening again. 

As I was perusing social media today, I was surprised to find several of my friends scattered across the country who have gotten more snow than ever expected for their area. One in particular lives in Pensacola, Florida. I was surprised to see that she had gotten 6 in of snow overnight. Another friend in Alabama posted that she had gotten 8 inches. The icy and snowy weather doesn't normally hit the southeastern United States, particularly in these areas. Even my daughter in Texas reported snow! 

There's an old wives tale that says if snow stays on the ground more than 3 days, it will snow again. I don't know if that's true or not but I'm going to check that theory out this year. 

We did take time to get out and enjoy the snow for a few minutes, but the wind chill factor made it unbearably cold. As we were walking in the snow, kept thinking about the poor people in North Carolina who are living in tents during this cold weather and also about those who live on the streets. Along with those two concerns, were my concerns for feral animals. I hate to think of any person or animal suffering terribly in cold weather. 

I've never been a cold weather person. My favorite seasons are Spring and Fall. It would be nice if the temperature could run around 70° all year long but that's just wishful thinking. I've often wondered if there's a state that actually is blessed to have that cozy weather pattern. I would certainly like to live in a place like that! 

I imagine, in the next several weeks, daffodils will start pushing up but I may be wrong. The seasons have certainly changed since I was younger. They're very unpredictable now, but that's just a sign of the times. The Bible says in the last days we won't know the seasons. I'm finding that to be true. 

Looking out the window, I can see the sun light glinting off of the snow. It looks like thousands of little diamonds sparkling. I'm thankful I can see it, but I'm glad I'm not out in it. I don't do so well with cold now that I'm older. 

A warm cozy fire in the fireplace sounds good for tonight as well as a mug of hot chocolate filled to the brim with little marshmallows. 

Seasons come and go and I'm thankful for that. It would get mighty boring if it was always Winter. 

I thank God gave us Winter to allow us to take a season of rest, that's why the days are shorter. Before we know it, Spring will be here and the cycle of life renewing will continue. I'm looking forward to that.
