The Serenity of Solitude
I get so tired of noise. Daily, I'm bombarded by pings from my cell phone or the blaring from the TV. My mind struggles for peace. I crave it.
And so, I isolate myself. It's a self imposed protective measure. And when I can't find a place to be alone, I slip in noise cancelling ear buds, a wonderful gift from my youngest daughter. She has no idea how they've helped me survive living in a house with a hearing impaired mate.
I feel selfish today. I know I'm his world but sometimes, I feel smothered. He hovers and that's when I feel the need to escape.
I love him with all my heart but we're so different. He thrives in the noise while I want to hide from it.
What's wrong with me, I wonder? Things like noise never used to bother me and now they do. But it's not all noise that's the problem. It seems noise accompanied by words or unexpected sounds grate on me.
Some sounds bring me solace - like the sound of gently rolling waves or the shrill of a hawk overhead. Instrumental music, played very low, helps, too.
Day before yesterday it snowed and I knew I had to go outside. After several minutes, wrapped in cold, I felt it. The calm stillness I loved so. It's funny how a blanket of snow can muffle sounds and boy did it. I was so thankful. My soul was refreshed. They say silence is golden and I have to agree. It's more than a precious metal to me.
It's important to pinpoint the things that threaten our sanity, isn't it? And when we realize something's in need of attention, we must address it, even if it's something as insignificant as adjusting the volume.