Celebrating a milestone in our family
It's hard to believe we're now great grandparents! Just saying that makes me feel so old! I never dreamed, when I had my first child at 19 that I'd have great grandchildren 49 years later, but I'm kind of glad I started my family early. Some people aren't great grandparents until they're close to 80 or 90. We're the lucky ones! At least we're still in possession of our mental faculties, that's a huge plus.
I used to look at old black and white photos of family members when I was a child - you know, the ones with a dozen or more people in them? I marveled, as I looked at each face, how much each family member resembled another. I can see some of that in this photo, too.
I don't think kids nowadays think about bloodlines much. I don't think they value the importance of family either, at least not in the way we did when I was growing up. We were brought up to revere our elders. We always said, "Yes, Ma'am or No Sir." Politeness mattered. These days it seems many of the younger generation take so much for granted with regard to their elders, and it's a shame.
When I was growing up, I loved listening to the stories my elders shared. I wanted to learn about our family history and how I fit in. I wish the current and future generations would feel the same way. After all, we have to so much to share...if they'd only take an interest and take time to listen.
I hope my grandchildren and great grandchildren will want to know more about me as they grow up. I have a great many stories to tell.