Sneak attack


Today's been one of "those" days, a day when it seemed Satan was on the prowl in our household big time. Any and everything that could go wrong did but we knew why. 
Have you ever had one of those days? A day when you purpose in your heart to start the day out right worshiping God and focusing on Him and then WHAM! Out of nowhere a huge trial came your way? I've had it happen many times in the past and that's why, as soon as today's issue began, I could tell it was spiritual warfare. 
As believers, it's important for us to know and understand the wiles of the devil. The Bible says he prowls about like a roaring lion. And if you've ever watched National Geographic episodes on nature and have seen some of those African plains, you know lions are cunning. They often lie in wait hidden behind clumps of tall stalks of grass seeking the perfect prey. Normally, in nature, they choose the weak or lame animals- the most vulnerable, and Satan does the same. That's why I think God used that reference for us as a help to understand if we're not ready when the attacks come, we'd best be ready to fall. (But remember, not everything is a spiritual attack, you know, but many things are. That's why discernment is so important. When we understand how the devil operates and when he's liable to launch a sneak attack we can face our foe with strength and might.) 
So what do we do when things go haywire? We have to turn to God. The Bible tells us He is our stronghold in times of trouble. We can run to him and take refuge under His wings. That should bring us peace and comfort. 
As I was thinking about that today, I remember Psalm 46:10 “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth”. 
Why do you think God tells us to be still? I think it's in the stillness we can breathe, rest, and remember Who is in control and that my dear friend isn't us, even though we may like to think we're in control of most aspects of our lives. 
I made this little post it note for myself but I'm sharing it here for you, too. As you read it, be sure and start by focusing on Who God is- the Almighty One, Our Creator, The Lover of our souls...and when you get to the bottom of the note, don't pass up the word Selah. That word means pause and calmly think of that. It means to ruminate like a cow chewing its cud. (They have 9 stomachs you know and after they eat, the process it over and over again until it's ready to be digested!) Do that with Psalm 46:10.
