At ease, soldier!

 Many of you know I have a grandson serving in the Army. Though he's fairly young, he achieved the rank of Captain late last year. Now he is in charge of over 200 soldiers. That astounds me. When I was 26, I couldn't imagine having that much responsibility.

I still see this grandson as a young boy, laughing and giggling playing silly games with his brothers. Back then, we had no idea what he'd do when he grew up but we certainly didn't think he'd be in a position of power.

As an officer, he can issue commands to his charges. In my mind's eye, I see him filing through a barracks gaining immediate salutes as the lower ranking soldiers show respect. And after walking about halfway through the rows of soldiers, I can just hear his voice calling out with authority, "Stand at ease, soldiers."

Stand at ease. We've all seen movies where the soldiers are given this command. Normally they assume a certain position that's more relaxed with arms behind their backs, thumbs interlaced, and right foot planted. Though allowed to stand in a more casual position, it doesn't mean the soldier is completely free to move about. It means they're to continue to give attention to the officer and be ready to act on demand if issued a command.

As I was thinking about this today, I was drawn back to a verse God continues to press into my heart - "Be still and know that I am God." As a visual learner, I have to relate the Army on Earth to the Army of God.

As believers, God is our Commanding Officer. Though He doesn't go around issuing orders right and left, He does give instruction to His followers and He wants us to obey them. Not because we're fearful of Him, but because we love Him and He loves us. He wants what's best for us.

Army officers understand the weaknesses of their underlings. Though soldiers are rigorously trained as they go through basic training, they need times of rest. It helps them maintain focus and be allowed to "breathe."

I have a hard time resting as I've shared in many of my devotional posts before. It's something I've struggled with for years. From the time I get up in the morning, until the time I go to bed, I'm going and doing.

My husband does his best to make me take rest breaks. While he knows I need them, he also knows I rarely heed his advice, much to my detriment.

This morning, after a quick protein shake, I got busy. I had two paintings to finish, some jewelry to make for a birthday present, cards to write, and a host of other projects. Before I knew it, it was 2 p.m. and time to make lunch. As we sat together, he reminded me again that I needed to take a break. I shook my head in agreement and promised I would after I'd cleaned my art room. It was in disarray from all the projects I'd tackled since Christmas. He told me he'd put the dishes in the dishwasher while I tidied up. That way, I could rest and read for a bit. It sounded like a good plan so off I went.

In my art room, I worked at a steady pace while talking to one of my girls on the phone. The time went quickly. On a table in front of me lay a piece of red oak I'd planned to make a wall hanging from. I picked it up and looked closely at the grain of wood. It was beautiful and I couldn't wait to get started.

As I pulled out my bag of polymer clays and all the tools that went with them, I heard a little whisper in my head, "At ease, soldier." I knew that voice well. It was the Holy Spirit. He was reminding me my time of busy-ness for the day was over.

Gently, I placed the wood back on the table. I stuffed the bag of clay supplies into the closet and said goodbye to my girl. In my heart, I knew I needed to give myself permission to rest. That was the majority of the problem. I was usurping the command of the General of the Armies - not a six star General, but One much higher than that.

After I finish this devotional, my behind is going to "fall in" to my soft leather recliner. I'm going to prop my feet up, pull out my book and have a cup of tea. I will rest today. I need it. God knew it. The Holy Spirit reminded me of it, and I will obey.

Have you ever heard a still, small voice in your heart or mind coaxing you to rest? If so, give yourself permission to do so. And don't just stand at ease, like the Army soldiers do, as they await their next command...come to a full rest. And see if there's something else your CO has to say to you.
