The heaviness of stress

Have you ever felt like a deep sea diver in an old fashioned iron suit trudging across the depths of the ocean floor? Have you ever felt so heavy you could hardly breathe? If you have, you're probably bearing burdens you don't need to bear. I'm going to preach to myself today regarding these issues. 

When we allow toxic people into our lives, they can steal our joy causing us to feel smothered and burdened beyond measure. Without realizing it, we can let in unwanted pain and suffering. 

So what can we do when we're facing a situation like this? One of the best things I've found is to put up an invisible barrier. That may mean putting your phone on do not disturb, seeking at a place of refuge, or spending time in silence. 

Stilling your mind isn't always easy. In fact, for me, it's very hard work. Thankfully, my husband is my guardian. He knows when I'm overly stressed. He sees it on my face. He knows when my lip begins to tremble and the tears begin to flow, something is definitely wrong. Those are part of my pressure release valve. 

He's so good about watching out for me. When he sees me about to blow, he'll come and gently put his hands on my shoulders and tell me to stop what I'm doing. He'll encourage me to take a break and rest. I'm blessed that he cares. 

Some days are more difficult than others. But for some reason, it seems like the difficult days have been more prevalent this year. That's one of the reasons I'm going to tighten up my boundaries. I'm going to make use of my power to turn off my phone, unplug from social media, and do whatever necessary to destress. 

They say that high blood pressure is a silent killer but I believe stress can be lumped along with it. Stress can raise your blood pressure. Stress can cause emotional turmoil and physical illness. 

I heard someone say you have to protect your peace at all costs. That person was very wise. I'm doing my best to adopt that as a motto for this year. Hopefully I'll succeed.
