All week I've had pain in my right hand extending from my ring finger to my wrist. It hurt so badly, I thought I'd managed to fracture a bone. My hands are small and my bones tiny. I hadn't fallen or whacked it on anything, so I had no idea why it was hurting so. To remedy the situation, I pulled out an old wrist brace I'd saved in my medical equipment box. (It was from a time I'd fallen in a hole in the backyard and fractured my wrist.)
Several days after wearing the brace, the pain got better. That helped me realize 2 things: 1. My bone was not broken 2.;There was a logical reason.
Trying to figure out the cause was hard. I went over multiple factors, but I finally think I have the answer- my cell phone.
My phone is big and heavy. I looked up the weight, 6.6 ounces. Add an Otter Box on top of it and I've probably been lifting 8 ounces a day repeatedly. My poor little bones were screaming out for relief.
When I solved the problem, I decided to only pick up my phone when necessary, to use my earbuds, and to switch hands often if I had to hold the phone.
I wish I had a lighter phone. I guess I could always go get a burner, but I like all my bells and whistles so I won't.
There is an article will some helpful info if you have "phone wrist fatigue" too.
~ Random musings from yours truly